Basic Instructions for Growing Clivia Seeds

  • Prepare a well-draining potting mix suitable for Clivia plants. Do not use soil.
  • Use a small pot, I like to place 3 to 4 seeds into the one pot. More if you wish. The competition tends to make them vigorous.
  • Moisten the mix slightly and place the seeds on the surface, gently pressing them down without burying them. The dark side of the seed faces up, the radicle, what becomes the root is inserted into a small hole.
  • Do not add fertilizer, it will likely burn the plant. The seed is the fertilizer.
  • Partially cover the area around the seeds with a thin layer of fine coco coir or similar. You must be able to see the seed but you don’t want the seed drying out.
  • Name the seeds on a label and also on the pot using a white marker pen.
  • Place the pot in a warm location with indirect sunlight.
  • Keep the mix slightly moist but never waterlogged.
  • Spray the seeds daily with water, I spray them twice a week with a Fungicide; Agrofos 600 or similar.
  • Germination time can vary, so be patient and maintain the appropriate conditions.
  • The root will push the seed out of the mix, gently lift it, open the hole a little and place it back in.
  • See Valewood Estate Clivias hints on germinating Clivia Seeds. This literally only takes several days.
  • As the seedlings develop, provide ample light and gradually introduce them to more direct sunlight.
  • Transplant the seedlings into individual pots once they are 18 months old. I recommend you never transplant the seedlings before 18 months of age. You can lose 50% or more by doing this.
  • Continue to care for the Clivia plants with careful watering, well-balanced fertilizer, and appropriate light conditions. Never let a seedling dry out.