Planting and Caring for Your Clivias

Planting Out: Plants are shipped bare-rooted and cleaned with damp suitable material to maintain humidity during transit. Plants should be planted in the garden or potted soon on receipt. They will be fine if they are kept damp and placed in a cool shaded area for a short period prior to planting.

Soil and Watering: Choose well-drained soil and never overwater established plants. Refrain from watering when temperatures exceed greater than 30 degrees Celsius to prevent bacterial rot and loss of the plant. Never water Clivia in the evening or if rain is predicted.

Aeration: Clivias require good air flow around them for plant health; keep plants in pots elevated from the ground and ensure they are receiving good air flow. Poor air flow will lead to mealybug infestation, leaf rust etc.

Fertilizing and Pest Control: Use a quality slow-release fertilizer (9 months) with trace elements during the growing season and mid-winter to promote flower development. Note; too much nitrogen may prevent the Clivia from producing flower. Control pests such as Mealy Bug, snails, slugs, and fungus gnats using appropriate products.

Winter Care: During winter, Clivias enter a “dormant period.” Water sparingly as the plants store sufficient moisture in their roots. Protect your Clivias from frost by growing them under tree canopies, shade structures, or roof eaves. In very cold areas with heavy frost a frost cloth is essential.

I recommend you never pot up Clivia seedlings prior to being 18 months old. Planting out 1 year old seedlings can result in high losses.